Collection: FIDARTS 2nd Virtual Exhibition 1st June - 1st July 2022

Online Global Immersive Fashion Drawing Art Fair 

Fidarts is developing a series of opportunities to display your work virtually, attracting future art collectors, patrons and curators. Giving you the opportunity to sell direct to the client.


  • To exhibit your work it must be photographed, scanned or digitally produced so that it can be submitted, via email, into the exhibition.
  • Min area: 3m x 1 m. Max area: 3m x 5m.
  • Artwork to be supplied RGB.
  • Maximum file size: 4MBS.
  • Send details of artworks: dimensions/medium/ materials, name of image and date produced. 
  • Provide Contact details: Email/Website/Telephone Number, etc.
  • Art buyers will contact the artist direct to purchase artworks. 
  • Feature in eBook 
You will receive an image of artwork in situ and details to sign off before the exhibition begins. 

Curated by the FIDARTS Team and a selected curator from the network.

Artwork exhibited in the show may be shared on Social media and online platforms to help promote the work and exhibition.


Email image(s) to

This a NON-Refundable product. 

10th Fida Award FAQs

Who can enter the awards?

The Fida Awards are online global awards, so you can apply from anywhere in the world. 

All levels of creatives can apply, from students and amateurs to professionals and educators. This includes artists, illustrators, visual artists, live event artists, animators, 3D designers, content creators, calligraphers, engravers, customisers, print makers, graphic designers and more.

Why enter the Fida 10th Awards?

The awards are your opportunity to be seen by the industry’s finest, from our panel of talented judges, to the commissioners and agents following the awards closely, searching for new talent. 

The FIDA Awards are the perfect launchpad for creatives wanting to jump-start or further progress their career in fashion, illustration, digital and art. 

Who is judging the awards?

We have a spectacular selection of judges for the Fida 10th Awards, with an abundance of skill and experience, including artists, illustrators, graphic designers, educators, art directors, creative directors, content creators and industry-leading visionaries.

Fida 10th Award Judges:

Studio Grand-Père

Karla Cohen

Irina Selaru

Alice Piaggio

Anastasia Alexandrin

Victoria Semykina

Lori Siebert

Tosinoyeniyi - Linoman

Milli Collins

Rafael Nobre

William LaChance

Raman Djafari

Clovis Retif 

Vorja Sánchez

Martin Lachmair

Jimmy Turrell

Kseniia Puzrova

Tri Le

Timothy O'Sullivan

Ryan Gajda

Annabel Pearl

Daria Gushchina

Astrid Wielinga

Christina Gliha

Luke Hannam

The Big Bad Gorilla

Lindsay Brown

Sophie Cullen

Margaret Flanagan

What is the final submission date?

Last day to enter and submit your work into the awards for judging: FRIDAY 3RD NOVEMBER 2024, no later than 11:59 PM EST.

Other important information


There are 11 award categories this year, seeking excellence in each field.

Winners will receive over £33,000 worth of prizes

Each winner will receive prizes worth over £3,000:

Award winners: 

  • Receive a portfolio membership (for 5 years!)
  • Get promoted in The Fible (the fashion, art, digital and illustration book)
  • Have work showcased in an online exhibition
  • Have work promoted throughout Fidaworldwide’s social media accounts
  • Receive a special winner’s feature about you and your work on our website

Your work will be reviewed by some of the industry's finest, our esteemed panel of talented judges.