Collection: Fida 7th Fashion Illustration and Drawing Awards 2023
The awards are split into the following 4 categories:
Fame & Fortune
The rise of the celebrity and the visionary brand ambassador has been accelerated since the introduction of social media. In a world of mass media and a desire to be famous, the topic for this category is looking to illustrate what fame looks like today. A movie star, musician, director, artist, designer, professional athlete, influencer, photographer.
Over the years magazines, media, television and film have all raised the profile of people to super stardom. We want you to capture this artwork as an illustration, digital image, painting, sculpture, CGI, collage or any other medium you prefer.
You can draw special fashion moments, Oscar Awards, film stills, television/media, magazine covers, plays, moments in history (Super Bowl halftime performances), etc.
Century of the Selfie
In this award, we want you to turn the camera round and focus on the self, look at the creator not the sitter. Throughout history artists have made self-portraits and, through the process, found a new meaning to image making and self-exploration.
In your artwork you can be graphic, abstract, hyper realistic, expressionistic, unrealistic or even superficial. The work could be adventurous, looking at contemporary portraits, from avatars to emojis or digital versions. We want you to push the boundaries of how the self-portrait can be a journey of self-evaluation and modes of spiritual self-adventure.
Digital futures
For this award, we are looking for digital image makers pushing technology to a space relevant to the modern day, where creatives enter into the contemporary fashion world through garment construction, styling and brand promotion.
We are open to see work from software builders, app developers, AI creatives, NFT artists, startups, cloth simulators, computer scientists, world builders, game developers and digital directors to share their universes, giving us a view into their mind.
Culture Vulture
The artist today is constantly switched on, looking at and absorbing the world around them. In these awards, we want to see how advertising impacts and influences youth, culture, environmental spaces, brands, products, consumerism, and both local and global surroundings. The goal is to document these trends, through any mode of image making from analogue to digital, looking at both people and location, including documentary illustrators, visual artists, urban artists and graffiti creators. Looking at how they communicate with the world today, and how it informs their practice. Artists of inspiration include Daniel Arsham, Jean Michel Basquiat, Tom Sachs, Banksy, Virgil Abloh and Keith Haring. Appropriating from the luxury world, the high street store or even convenience shop, this challenge is for all modern day image makers who might like to disrupt, deconstruct or deface modern images of today. The documentary artist who prefers to draw the world they live in and illustrate rather than photograph the moment.
Martyn Roberts - CEO Fashion scout London Fashion Week New Gen. 103k followers Instagram LFW - 519k followers
Alwyn Hunt - Adobe. 1.4m followers. The Rookies - 63.7k followers
Silvano - Creative director Printemps. 528k followers
Stephane Manel - Fashion Illustrator. 17.9k followers
Rosie Mcguiness - Fashion Illustrator. 37.9k followers
Caroline Tomlinson - Fashion Illustrator. 21.7k followers
Dahren Davey - Fashion illustrator. 13.8k followers
Josh Marshall - Digital Illustrator. 4.5k followers
Xevi Sola - Artist. 18k followers
Kate Mason - Chairwoman The Royal Society of Designers
Nadia Coolrista - 39k
Giulia Bartolomei - Bottega Veneta (Women’s SLG Worldwide Merchandising Manager presso
Bonnie Lo: G F Smith
Nuno Da Costa - Fashion Illustrator - 36.5k followers
Francesco Lo Iacono - 54.2k followers
Connie Lim - 60.3k followers
Joanna layla- 10.1k followers
Video Link to Awards 2022:
Enter the 10th Fida Awards NOW! FAQs
What are the award categories for the 10th Fida Awards?
Excellence in Fashion Art & Illustration Award
Excellence in Fine Art & Print Award
Excellence in Drawing From Life Award
Excellence in Visual Arts, Graphics & Illustration Award
Excellence in Moving Image, Animation & Shorts Award
Excellence in Live Events & Custom Experiences Award
Student Excellence in Fashion Art & Illustration Award
Student Excellence in Art & Print Award
Student Excellence in Drawing From Life Award
Student Excellence in Visual Arts, Graphics & Illustration Award
Student Excellence in Moving Image, Animation & Shorts Award
Who can enter the awards?
The Fida Awards are online global awards, so you can apply from anywhere in the world.
All levels of creatives can apply, from students and amateurs to professionals and educators. This includes artists, illustrators, visual artists, live event artists, animators, 3D designers, content creators, calligraphers, engravers, customisers, print makers, graphic designers and more.
Why enter the Fida 10th Awards?
The awards are your opportunity to be seen by the industry’s finest, from our panel of talented judges, to the commissioners and agents following the awards closely, searching for new talent.
The FIDA Awards are the perfect launchpad for creatives wanting to jump-start or further progress their career in fashion, illustration, digital and art.
Who is judging the awards?
We have a spectacular selection of judges for the Fida 10th Awards, with an abundance of skill and experience, including artists, illustrators, graphic designers, educators, art directors, creative directors, content creators and industry-leading visionaries.
Fida 10th Award Judges:
Studio Grand-Père
Karla Cohen
Irina Selaru
Alice Piaggio
Anastasia Alexandrin
Victoria Semykina
Lori Siebert
Tosinoyeniyi - Linoman
Milli Collins
Rafael Nobre
William LaChance
Raman Djafari
Clovis Retif
Vorja Sánchez
Martin Lachmair
Jimmy Turrell
Kseniia Puzrova
Tri Le
Timothy O'Sullivan
Ryan Gajda
Annabel Pearl
Daria Gushchina
Astrid Wielinga
Christina Gliha
Luke Hannam
The Big Bad Gorilla
Lindsay Brown
Sophie Cullen
Margaret Flanagan
What is the final submission date?
Last day to enter and submit your work into the awards for judging: FRIDAY 3RD NOVEMBER 2024, no later than 11:59 PM EST.
There are 11 award categories this year, seeking excellence in each field.
Winners will receive over £33,000 worth of prizes
Each winner will receive prizes worth over £3,000:
Award winners:
- Receive a portfolio membership (for 5 years!)
- Get promoted in The Fible (the fashion, art, digital and illustration book)
- Have work showcased in an online exhibition
- Have work promoted throughout Fidaworldwide’s social media accounts
- Receive a special winner’s feature about you and your work on our website
Your work will be reviewed by some of the industry's finest, our esteemed panel of talented judges.