Fida Talks Details


Thankyou for booking your ticket to the Fida Talks.
Here is the Zoom Link to the event.
Please try to arrive on time as we would like to start promptly.
You will be able to ask questions or send your questions to the panel due to timings. (2 days before the talk)
Send your questions to:

January Talk - Surviving as a Fashion Illustrator
Zoom Link:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 3422 2707
Passcode: 5F9Y5V

February Talk - The Role of Portraiture in Fashion Drawing
Zoom Link:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 5900 5550
Passcode: jpVM9W

If any changes to event changes due to cancellations or zoom links, you will be emailed prior to the event.

Many Thanks for your support.

Fida Membership Program