The Award Categories

The following 3 categories will be judged this year:


This award will be judged on the following areas of Live arts, cool hunting, Live catwalks, Contemporary culture, families, stories or personal experiences. 

Documentary illustration and Drawing captures the world today through the eyes of the voyeur. 

- Collage

- Animation

- Film

- Drawing 

- Mixed media

- Painting


This award will be judged on the following areas of Advertising, Editorial, Press, Marketing and POS. 

Commercial illustration and Drawing helps to promote of elevate the vision of a brand or individual

- Collage

- Animation

- Film

- Drawing 

- Mixed media

- Painting


This award will be judged on the following areas of pushing the boundaries of image making not conforming to any form of image creation. 

Experimental illustration and Drawing will be a space where artists are able to play and use all forms of visual communication to be creative.

- Collage

- Animation

- Film

- Drawing 

- Mixed media

- Painting

- Performance

- Experiential 

- Installation

- Printmaking

- Sound


Fida Membership Program